Notes on spray painting

Update:2020/7/30 14:48:56  View1635

How is inkjet painting made? Nowadays, there are many forms of ink-jet painting in advertising production, but how to make ink-jet picture? The screen is an overlay of countless tiny colored particles. Each particle is atomized and sprayed on the screen in a saturated state. At the moment of atomization, the moisture of the color rapidly evaporates, and the color sprayed on the screen is almost dry. The dry and wet change of color is very small, and the color change is easy to grasp. ​ Resolution is very important for inkjet images. It is often marked in the form of "width x height". At the same time, we should also understand the concepts of image resolution, screen resolution and print resolution and the relationship among them. The image resolution of inkjet is the number of pixels per unit length in the image, which is usually expressed by DPI. A total of 5184 pixels (72x72 = 5184) are included in the 1 "X1" image with a resolution of 72dpi. The same image is 1 "x 1", but the resolution of 300 dpi contains 90000 pixels. Therefore, the image with high resolution of UV flat panel painting contains more pixels than the low resolution image of the same print size, so the image is clearer and more delicate. The higher the resolution is, the bigger the image file will be, and the more memory and CPU processing time are required. Spray painting The image of spray painting is very large. We should understand the truth that "deep in Lushan Mountain, we know the true face of Lushan Mountain". The same is true of inkjet painting image. If the large dark surface still has printing resolution, it will be useless for computer. However, there is no requirement for the resolution of the inkjet image. The following is my analysis rate when using different sizes Image area (M2) 180-infinity 30-180 1-30 The resolution (DPI) was 11.25 22.5 45 Note: because the current inkjet printer takes 11.25dpi, 22.5dpi and 45dpi as the output image requirements, reasonable image resolution can speed up the mapping. Generally speaking, 72 or / inch is required for the photo, just as the image is too large or too large (for example, the actual size of the image displayed by the op in PHC is larger than 400m). The division rate can be appropriately reduced to within 4oom